A bone to pick idiom meaning in hindi | Have a bone to pick with idiom meaning

A bone to pick idiom meaning

A bone to pick idiom meaning –

A bone to pick – to be annoyed with someone about something ; an unpleasant issue that must be discussed and solved.
Have a bone to pick with : to want to talk to someone about something annoying they have done


  1. Ramesh was the first one to pick a bone with Rakesh.
  2. Ram walked up to Shyam hurriedly and told him that he had a bone to pick with him.

A bone to pick idiom meaning in hindi :

A bone to pick – एक विवाद जिसे निपटाना हो
Have a bone to pick with – से इस मामले में निपटना

Uses :

  1. I have a bone to pick with my father so I have to go soon.
    मुझे मेरे पिता जी से एक मामला निपटाना है इसलिए मुझे जल्दी जाना है।

Information provided about the meaning of a bone to pick Or Have a bone to pick with.

A bone to pick with‘ idiom is used in writing and speaking when you have an issue with someone and you want to solve that as soon as possible.
However if you have a bone to pick with someone you are annoyed about something and you want to discuss that and tell him or them how you are feeling.

Other meanings of A bone to pick with is having a grievance that needs to be talked out ; be annoyed with someone and want to discuss that; a complaint ; a dispute that must be settled.

Other idioms :

An iron will

Have a bone to pick with :

A bone to pick means, A bone to pick meaning, A bone to pick meaning in hindi, A bone to pick idiom meaning in hindi, A bone to pick idiom meaning, have a bone to pick with idiom meaning in hindi, A bone to pick का हिंदी मतलब, A bone to pick की हिंदी मीनिंग, A bone to pick का हिंदी में मतलब, A bone to pick की मीनिंग,

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A bone to pick, A bone to pick meaning in hindi, A bone to pick idiom meaning, A bone to pick idiom meaning in hindi, A bone to pick with meaningin hindi, Have a bone to pick with idiom meaning in hindi, Have a bone to pick with, Have a bone to pick with का हिंदी मतलब, A bone to pick with की हिंदी मीनिंग, A bone to pick की हिंदी, A bone to pick हिंदी मीनिंग , A bone to pick with की मीनिंग हिंदी में जानें।

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